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In 1897, Gustave Moreau (1826-1898) bequeathed his house with all that it contained to the French State in order to create a museum.

The musée national Gustave Moreau was originally inaugurated on January 14th 1903.

Founded in 1990 by Antoinette Seillière, Les Amis du musée Gustave Moreau Association (Friends of the Gustave Moreau Museum Association) is currently chaired by Jean-François Viat.

The community of interest “Les Amis du musée Gustave Moreau” (AAMGM) is a non-profit association with non-profit management. Its resources come from membership fees, donations and patronage actions.

The Association aims to contribute to:

preserve the legacy of the



restore and enhance the



conserve and enhance the museum’s



raise awareness of Gustave Moreau’s



Friends are offered a program of exhibition visits.

Become a Friend


  • Jean-François Viat, Chairman
  • Serge Legat, Honorary Chairman and Administrator
  • Edwart Vignot, Vice-Chairmain
  • Samantha Demay, General Secretary
  • Laura Baudry, Treasurer
  • Odile Porthault, Administrator
  • Marion de Flers, Administrator

Former Presidencies

  • Antoinette Seillière (1990-1996)
  • Corinne de Plinval (1997-2002)
  • Marion de Flers (2003-2008)
  • Eva Constans (2009-2015)
  • Odile Porthault (2016-2019)
  • Laetitia Pinseau (2019-2022)
  • Serge Legat (2022-2024)